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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Emaar Initiates Online Community

Emmar Communities Portal

Emaar has finally engendered a medium for interacting with the residents of its various projects. The portal's aim appears to be to offer a direct and focused avenue for communication among residents and the master developer. It seems, however, to be still in the developmental stage, lacking yet any type of forum where users can post comments or questions. Registration is required and seems at present to be open to anyone, whether actually resident within one of an Emaar's communities or not.

The site has a simple, easy-to-use interface. At present there is not much content at the Dubai Marina link--nearly the same as what was available before the new portal. However, there is the addition of a Dubai Marina Homeowner's Manual which includes both general information about Emaar's projects and specific details for Dubai Marina owners and residents in the Phase 1 project.

When one completes the registration process he will receive a welcome message which advises...

Through this portal you can keep yourself abreast with the latest goings on in the community including circulars, notices, services & upcoming events.

The portal leaves a lot to be desired in terms of offering users interactivity but it seems to be a first step in the right direction.

Go to MAG 218 Community homepage, Dubai Marina Communities or DM Blog.