M218 Blog (Dubai Marina)

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Sunday, February 26, 2006

Water Worries

The third week in February this year brought on heavy rains--a rare occurance. The result was flooding in several parts of Dubai. That and a recent trip to Katrina-stricken New Orleans has got me wondering how well a completed MAG 218 tower would fare if the Marina were hit by floods.

In New Orleans you would have thought the towers--there are a good number in the central business district--would have been spared the great damage wrought by the flooding, but that has not been the case. Many towers had important mechanical and electrical equipment in their basements. The result even now, six-months post-Katrina, is that a number of downtown towers remain closed.

The design plans for the MAG 218 reveal that some mechanical equipment will be housed at level B3, the lowest (underground) level of the structure. If Dubai Marina were to experience major flooding at some point, wouldn't this be the most vulnarable part of the building? This merits looking into. Granted, there are three mechanical floors at higher levels in the tower, so potential damage might be limited.

  Architectural detail revealing important equipment stored at basement level.

Still, the lessons from New Orleans are worrying. With critical elevator systems damaged in some towers, elevators become inoperable. This would result in considerable hardship for residents in high-rise towers. Furthermore, flooding on a large scale would mean that numerous towers might suffer similar damage. Under such circumstances getting repairs done could take days if not weeks.

  Deep excavation pit of Mirana Pinnacle tower, near MAG 218 plot.

If anyone has seen any of the Discovery channel this month, they might have come across the compelling documentary on global warming. Some say that there is no longer any valid argument for dismissing global warming as speculative. It is a certainty and with it rising sea levels--by up to 3 feet over an extended period of time. That being said, the main water concern for Dubai Marina residents ought to be that rare occasion when the city and country are hit by unexpected downpours.

An interesting blog post describes some of the unpleasant effects of the inclement weather: Aftermath of Recent Rainfall Across UAE. Another turns raindrops into artful images at Two Hydrogen atoms plus a single Oxygen.

Go to MAG 218 Community homepage, Dubai Marina Communities or DM Blog.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Desired Features in the MAG 218

As construction commences on the MAG 218 tower, owners or prospective owners and residents may begin to consider in more detail what features, amenities or facilities they might like to have, in addition to those already specified by the developer. The poll below may serve to generate some ideas and discussion.

First, a look at what the developer has specified:

  • recreational facilities: swimming pool, jacuzzi and fitness center
  • communal facilities: community hall with pantry and TV lounge
  • common areas: attractive lobby with reception/security desk, high-speed elevators, underground/podium parking and storage rooms
  • apartment features (all units): fully equipped kitchens, en-suite bathrooms and guest lavatory, spacious living and bed rooms
  • apartment features (some units): balconies, floor-to-ceiling windows
In addition to these, what other facilities, services or amenities would be desirable?

Owners, Prosepctive Owners/Residents Poll:

Select the features (as many as apply) you might like to see in the MAG 218--recognizing that some may mean higher purchase price or management fees.

 An advanced control system--for A/C, utilities, lighting, window shades, etc., like that planned for the MAG 214 tower in JLT.

 Advanced internet and communicaitons wiring--allowing for building-wide high-speed networking for internet, cable, intercom and other communications.

 A district based cooling system (for A/C)--as found in JLT and parts of DM--which connects to an exterior facility offering better economy.

 An on-premises cooling system, as currently planned, which may be less cost-efficient but allows for complete "in-house" management.

 Option for customization of interiors or retrofitting by the developer/consultant.

 Extensive use of video cameras (for security) in all common areas--parking, elevators, community rooms, pool deck, etc.

 A larger number of service/security staff--for communal & recreational facilities, lobby, etc., including housekeeping staff.

 A minimal use of service/security staff (to keep down management fees.)

 Free use for owners and/or residents of communal facilities including pool, gym, etc.

 Assistance from developer/consultant with funishings.

 A service for owners to assist in setting up and managing rental of units.

View poll results to see what others think. Comments and other ideas may be posted at the comments link below. Return and select additional items as your ideas evolve--only one set of votes, however, is permitted per ISP per day.

Get Free Polls at Pollhost.com. Go to MAG 218 Community homepage, Dubai Marina Communities or DM Blog.